Marinos Móviles

The M330 series gives you the same performance and feature set as the M324 series, but now within a smaller package to fit in tight spaces. Priced at a great value the M330 series still includes the exclusive AquaQuake™ draining feature, 25 watts of power, IPX7 Waterproof rating, scan/select scan and Icom’s exclusive user interface for ease of use.

Fácil de usar y más fácil de escuchar. El nuevo sistema de menú proporciona una operación fácil e intuitiva. La línea inferior de la pantalla con matriz de puntos muestra las funciones clave del software que pueden activarse o desactivarse con los botones a la izquierda o a la derecha. El teclado direccional permite realizar varias operaciones y ajustes.

Class-D DSC VHF Marine Radio with WLAN Function Radio Control & Intercom via Your Smart Device Use the RS-M500 app (for iOS™/Android™) to remotely control the IC-M510 through WLAN. Up to three smart devices can be used as a wireless microphone or remote controller in substitute for the COMMANDMIC™.
Marinos Portátiles



GM1600 VHF Portatil
The IC-GM1600E meets temperature, thermal shock, vibration and drop resistant (from 1 m height) requirements. After passing those environmental tests, the IC-GM1600E retains 1m depth waterproof construction as specified by IMO resolution MSC.149(77) and other related regulations.

The GM600 is a GMDSS (Global Maritime Distress and Safety System) VHF radiotelephone which can be used as a part of GMDSS system equipment required by SOLAS or many domestic maritime regulations. When installed with the GM800 MF/HF radio, GM600 and GM800 radios provides an ideal GMDSS VHF, MF and HF radio station.