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Intercom y Megafonía por RF

Intercom vía RF

CallBox Serie Q

Put wireless communication right where you need it! Position the compact and durable Q Series 2-way radio callbox virtually anywhere to maximize manpower efficiency, improve safety and service response times. Deploys easily – no wires, no trenching, no construction required. Can be used stand-alone using alkaline batteries or can be powered using external AC adapter.

Serie XD para DMR

Put DMR digital wireless communication right where you need it! Position the compact and durable DMR Series 2-way radio callbox virtually anywhere to maximize manpower efficiency, improve safety and service response times. Deploys easily – no wires, no trenching, no construction required. Can be used stand-alone using alkaline batteries or can be powered using external AC adapter.

Serie XD para NXDN

Put FDMA NXDN™ digital or analog wireless communication right where you need it! Position the compact and durable XD Series 2-way radio callbox virtually anywhere to maximize manpower efficiency, improve safety and service response times. Deploys easily – no wires, no trenching, no construction required. Can be used stand-alone using alkaline batteries or can be powered using external AC adapter.

Megafonía vía RF

LoudMouth PA

The LoudMouth wireless PA system is an ideal solution anywhere a hard-wired PA is either too expensive or is simply impossible to install. Get your message to everyone . . . from plant-wide to small pinpoint areas using your business band radio system. It even works with radio repeaters for extended coverage.

Quick Assist


The Quick Assist® wireless shopper call button provides a low-cost, fast and efficient way to boost customer service, control costs and improve employee productivity. With the Quick Assist, customers simply push a button when they need assistance.